Skupinsko zdravljenje & meditacije z Robertom Hendersonom

Once a month on a Saturday from 18:30 - 20:30

Robert Henderson will lead a 2-hour energy healing session for small groups of 6 to 10 people.
Each session comes in two halves: a 45-minute group energy healing, followed by teas and snack and then followed by a group Q&A and sharing of experience.

The group energy healing is hands-off. Participants are invited to lie in a field of healing energy that Robert has designed to bring about a specific healing for you. Each month offers a different type of healing.

Healing your body with gold

Gold, the colour of abundance, is a powerful healing energy. Its purpose is to flow through you, taking with it energies of old hurts you are still carrying in your body. When flowing through you, it feels like heat, or tingling running through your whole system. Gold is especially effective in helping heal the first chakra.

Kwan Yin

Heart-centred healing. Kwan Yin is the Buddhist Bodhisattva goddess of Compassion. She comes to those who call her, strengthening their hearts with feelings of love, compassion, understanding and freedom. A very powerful and positive tonic for your heart.

5 Deities

This is a chance to connect to the energies of 5 deities and in that energetic connection, to have a silent and profound conversation with each of them. Often times they will have advice and guidance for you. You can ask them questions, tell them stories, share a joke with them. The purpose of this healing is to bring you answers to important questions you may have.
The 5 deities are:
The Buddha.
Kwan Yin.
Mother Meera.


This is a very powerful cleansing and purifying healing for your spirit and your soul which connects to the energy of Krishna. Whole sections of your life, past or present, can be lifted from you and removed. This can cause both discomfort as the pain is taken from you but also overwhelming lightness as the underlying whiteness is then revealed.

Calendar of healings:

Gold: 14. 9. 2024
Kwan Yin: 12. 10. 2024
5 Deities: 9. 11. 2024
White: 14. 12. 2024

€25 per session / €80 for four

Please note:
You must register beforehand for any healing session you wish to attend.
This is because I need to know how many people are coming, so I can prepare the room properly.
So, please, no drop-ins.


You will not be disappointed.


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